hiya! this site is now in the process of being completely recoded, at least in the css. dont worry on my behalf, everythings already backed up so nothin has been lost. please wait while we do our shit, well come back bigger and better than ever :heart-emoji:

yeah i know it looks like nothing has changed but trust me, it has. the css is coming out a lot smoother now. it was a right mess before.

soon the pages will come back, then ill focus on designing the index page. portals and directory will have to wait tho for redesigning, and the about page will be replaced. im doing this so that things are much much less of a pain to put stuff here cuz the css will be a lot cleaner and i making new pages will be far more enjoyable and easier for me. this is the reason why ive been puttin off the website but now since im an internet hermit im now gonna be focusin on this a lot more.

to do:

  • work on new index page (priority)
  • finish styling that cool thing i did with the images in the system page (finished, mostly. theres a little quirk and i want to add some way to differentiate if which button label is currently selected, dunno if thats even possible with the way that im doing this though. but its fully functional now)
  • make sure my earthbound flavours are actually accurate fr fr again (ye they good)
  • design a new header (make it special for each page, like neopets lmao)
  • design a better directory/links page
  • design a blog page (maybe go to dreamwidth for this? doubtful)
  • design portals/shrines index page and general layout
  • more gay freaky furry shit (INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT)

more to come....

a (tiny) commodore 64 with a monitor and disc drive, displaying the words 'READY' on a blue screen.